Practical Tips To Repay Your Student Loan Debt
It does not have to be a lifetime's struggle to repay one's student loan. In a study of students who graduated from 2000-2004, public school students have an average debt amount of almost $16,000 while private school students owe as much as $23,000. These large amounts will obviously pose a problem for fresh graduates who are just starting out in their work life. If it is not managed properly, student loan debts can derail the careers of graduates or impede their life plans such as getting married, buying their own home and starting a family.
The reality is that paying off student loan debt can take years. An average student with $20,000 loan at 6.125% will have to pay at least $243 a month until he or she reaches 37. You should work out a plan to repay your student plan as soon as possible. Note that the interest amount can work out to more than a hundred percent of the original loan amount if you drag the repayment period. As soon as your income permits, you should pay off more of your loan. Review your income and repayment plan regularly, especially if you have received promotion, salary increment or bonus. Always bear in mind you are in serious debt, you cannot afford to be complacent about debt repayment. Manage your finance carefully and avoid pitfalls like the availability of easy credit, which you may not be able to repay. Nobody will know whether other debts or emergencies requiring huge cash layout anytime on in life will hit them. It is best to be prepared. Be smart and prudent with money. Do not form the habit of lavish spending.
Tips on Reducing Student Loan Debt
The smart thing to do about student loan is to consolidate the loans if you have take up several student loans and to seek a lower interest rate. This is possible when the graduate have secured a better credit rating after joining the workforce. Even for a single loan amount, you should try to refinance the debt. This will spread out the debt over a longer period and lower the monthly payments. However, this option can cause the more in term or repayment amount over the life of the loan if not managed properly.
Relief for Students with Disabilities
The federal government is willing to discharge the federal loans of people with certain disabilities but this is only for disabilities, which render them unable to work for money indefinitely.
If you have a job but still find it hard to make the monthly repayments, you have the option of applying for an economic hardship deferment of forbearance. This will reduce or even suspend your monthly loan repayments. However, be mindful that the interest will continue to accumulate on the outstanding loans that are subsidized federally.
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