Student Loans - A Family Burden
Just the way you dad borrowed all the time, you can borrow in college too. They are called loans, and they are meant to help you handle your tuition. As long as you know how to handle your pay back, you have little to worry about. You may want to talk to your dad about how to manage it, though. You are neither the first nor the only person to be on a college student loan. All around you are students just like yourself who have having to struggle with the same confidence issues too. What you need is to chew up some confidence and walk in to apply for the loan. At the very worst you'll be told 'no'. But you'll never know until you take the first step.
With the number of credit companies out there falling over each other to get your attention, you seriously should not have trouble finding one to help with your student loan. Whoever said you have to go through college begging, or something? With the loan, you can pay your fees and meet your countless needs. Take the loan. Perhaps the chief sources of financial aid for when you are in college are all kinds of federal programs and scholarships. But if all of those do not apply to you, you may want to settle for a simple college student loan. Sure, you have to pay it back some way, but it is better than having nothing and missing out on your dream.
There are too many people who give up on their dreams because they do not have the funds to pay their way through college. That is a shame to me because I see that all they need is just a college student loan, and their worries would have been taken care of. But I suppose they just don't know. Private grants are not as common these days as they used to be. These days, most youngsters just apply for and win scholarships. But if you happen to not have won one, you don't have to panic. You can instead apply for and win a college student loan. Think about it; it gives you the chance to be all you ever wanted.
There is no shame in receiving financial aid to help pay tuition in college. As a matter of fact, there are so many people who do that in the United States these days that you wonder if anybody does not. And so, since you have no other source, you can at least try for a college student loan. The interest rates are at least friendlier than most. When you need financial aid, you may decide you will seek to win a grant from someone, based on financial need. However, you are more in control of your own destiny with a college student loan. You don't have to let someone else dictate how you spend the money. As long as it is legal, and as long as you are not squandering it, you should not worry your head a bit.
You don't want to take a regular sized loan to put you through collage. That would be like attempting credit suicide because the interest rate on that thing is so high that it would perhaps bury you in less than a year. But with a college student loan, you don't have to worry about all that. A college student loan is a loan that you must repay with interest in the future. The lender may understand how that you are in dire straits and may not have a way to pay for your college student loan. However, they are willing to help you because they know that you will pay in the future, if only to build good credit.